Knowledge Tract – Technology

10:30 AM
Stepping Into the Cloud!
Presented by Eric Shorr of PC Troubleshooters, Inc.

It is time to not only “put your head in the clouds” but truly step into them. But many may ask: “How do I trust the cloud? What is the Cloud?” This seminar will demystify the cloud and cloud computing applications and share several insights as to how to implement the cloud for business success. Disaster Planning and Business Continuity Planning will be key points discussed with client examples provided and successful planning tips for small to medium size businesses.

11:30 AM
Empowering Businesses through Collaborative Innovation
Presented by Praveen Atreya of Verizon Wireless

Industries are moving to the Collaborative Innovation Model to generate custom solutions for enterprise and customers. This approach requires the convergence of different ecosystem players in a new rapid product prototyping/development paradigm to build solutions that solve real consumer/enterprise problems/needs without the One Size Fits All limitation. Examples will be provided to highlight this approach, the role the wireless service provider played in the past versus the role they are now playing, and the numerous possibilities being realized as a result of this new open paradigm. Many new niche opportunities are opening up as a result of developments within wireless roadband. It could be a game-changer for your company.

1:30 PM
Mobile Web Apps: Why You Need to Stop Worrying and Learn to Love W3C Standards
Presented by Brian Cardarella of Dockyard

Nowadays, everybody has some type of smartphone. Your company wants to reach this new emerging market of users. Then, you research the cost of developing business apps for the iPhone and Android (which means paying two teams to develop two applications) –and the costs are making this important business move less attractive. In this presentation you will learn how companies are taking advantage of a new application that looks and feels native, without the cost of going native. Ruby on Rails is the premiere web development framework that many start ups are choosing. They do so because features can be built faster in Rails than in any other framework–and this means it costs less. Rails is now breaking into more established business markets like the Enterprise Space. This cutting edge tool will open new business awareness potential for attendees.

2:30 PM
The Power of Analytics for Profit
Presented by Jeff O’Neill of TWOBOLT Marketing Technologies

The world has gone digital, and yet, few still utilize the wealth of data that is collected by their enterprises every day. By ignoring this valuable cache of information, business professionals are missing out on new revenue streams, increased customer touch points, and higher profits. The presentation will help attendees realize the value in their data sets by understanding how data can benefit the bottom line and differentiate between engagement and passivity.

3:30 PM
Sanity Software: The Case for Practice Management
Presented by Thomas Busch of The ProfitPoint Group, Inc.
Tools, Skills and Policy. These three core values are the basis for professional service firm success. Tools that track your client and prospect activity, that coordinate appointments and tasks, that link emails and documents to each project or prospect. These new tools come in many packages as desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones all have apps and integrations. The essential skills in using these apps to manage professional service delivery is not intuitive, indeed most employees do not even know what feature is available. In addition to tooling up, participants will learn to manage real time activity processing to capture billable time and to be prepared for the next step in every project. Finally, best practices for managing both the device and the information are presented with real life examples from several professional fields.

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